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Join the Conventual Franciscan Friars in

Celebrating forty (40) years of ministry in Kenya

Conventual Franciscan Friars in Kenya.


Our mission like the mission of St. Francis of Assisi himself is to imitate Christ in all that he said and did as recorded in the Gospels and taught by church tradition.


As pilgrims in this world, we animate our communal life from which we draw the strength to share with our brothers and sisters the joy of Christ by doing penance, preaching and the witness of life in observance of the three evangelical counsels of poverty, chastity and obedience.



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The Conventual Franciscan Friars are a Catholic religious order following the teachings and example of St. Francis of Assisi. They live in community, practice vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience, and focus on a life of prayer, fraternity, and service to others. Their mission includes preaching the Gospel, serving the poor, and promoting peace and justice.

Conventual Franciscans serve in many countries around the world. They are involved in various ministries, including pastoral care in parishes, education, social services, missionary work, and the promotion of peace and justice. They also maintain shrines, retreat centers, and places of pilgrimage.


Yes, it is possible to join the Conventual Franciscan Friars. Here’s what you need to know about the process:

1. Who can join the Conventual Franciscan Friars?
Men who feel called to live a life dedicated to prayer, community, and service according to the spirit of St. Francis of Assisi can join the Conventual Franciscans. Candidates must be Catholic, have a desire to serve the Church and others, and be open to the values of poverty, chastity, and obedience.

2. What is the process of joining the order?
Joining the Conventual Franciscan Friars involves several stages of formation:

  • Discernment: This is an initial phase where a person prays and reflects on their calling. It often involves meetings with a vocation director or visiting Franciscan communities to better understand their way of life.

  • Postulancy: This is the first formal stage where the individual lives in a Franciscan community for about a year, experiencing the daily life of the friars while deepening their understanding of the Franciscan charism.

  • Novitiate: After postulancy, the individual enters the novitiate, a more intense year of prayer, study, and reflection. This year is dedicated to deepening one’s relationship with God and understanding the Franciscan lifestyle.

  • Temporary Vows: After the novitiate, the friar takes temporary vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience, which are renewed annually for a few years as the friar continues his formation.

  • Perpetual Vows: After a period of temporary vows, if the friar is ready and has discerned his commitment, he takes perpetual (final) vows, committing to live as a Franciscan for life.

3. Do you have to be a priest to join?
No, you do not have to be a priest to join. The Conventual Franciscans welcome both men who feel called to the priesthood and those who wish to be brothers. All friars, whether priests or brothers, live together in community and contribute to the mission of the order.

4. Is there an age limit to join?
While there is often a preferred age range (typically 18-45), exceptions can be made depending on the circumstances. It’s best to speak with a vocation director to understand the specific requirements of the province you are interested in.

5. How do I start the process?
If you are interested in joining, the first step is to reach out to a vocation director of the Conventual Franciscans. They can provide guidance, answer your questions, and help you discern if this path is right for you. You can find contact information on the official website of the Conventual Franciscan province in your region.

Joining the Conventual Franciscan Friars is a journey of discernment and commitment, and it is open to those who feel called to follow in the footsteps of St. Francis in a life of fraternity and service. Feel free to fill the vocation initial form here to get started with your journey.

Yes, the Conventual Franciscan Friars are Catholic. They are part of the larger Franciscan family, which is a religious order within the Roman Catholic Church. Founded by St. Francis of Assisi in the 13th century, the Conventual Franciscan Friars adhere to Catholic teachings and traditions, and they dedicate their lives to serving the Church and its mission.

Their work includes celebrating the sacraments, preaching the Gospel, and engaging in various forms of ministry, such as education, pastoral care, and missionary efforts. As Catholics, they also uphold the Church’s doctrines and participate in the liturgical life of the Church, including daily Mass and the Liturgy of the Hours.

Supporting the work of the Conventual Franciscan Friars can be done in various ways, ranging from financial contributions to volunteering your time. Here are some ways you can support their mission:

1. Financial Donations

  • Direct Donations: The Conventual Franciscan friars in Kenya allow donations on the website (Kenya Friars)  where you can make online donations. These funds often support their ministries, education, mission work, and the daily needs of the friars.
  • Sponsorships: You can sponsor specific projects, such as the education of friars in formation, building maintenance, or supporting their missions in poorer regions.
  • Legacy Giving: Consider including the Conventual Franciscans in your estate planning through bequests, trusts, or other planned gifts. This helps ensure their work continues for future generations.

2. Prayer Support

  • Pray for the Friars: The friars value spiritual support just as much as financial support. Praying for their mission, vocations, and the people they serve is a powerful way to contribute to their work.
  • Join in Novenas or Special Masses: Many Franciscan communities host novenas or special prayers that you can join, either in person or online.

3. Volunteering

  • Help with Local Ministries: Many friaries run parishes, soup kitchens, retreat centers, and other outreach programs. Volunteering your time to assist in these activities can be a great way to contribute directly to their mission.
  • Offer Professional Skills: If you have skills in areas like construction, IT, teaching, or healthcare, your expertise might be valuable in supporting their projects and initiatives.

4. Spread Awareness

  • Share Their Mission: You can support the Conventual Franciscans by raising awareness about their work through social media or in your local community. This can help them reach more people who might want to support their mission.
  • Organize Fundraisers: Hosting local events, fundraisers, or charity drives can help raise funds and resources for the friars’ work. This can be a meaningful way to involve your community.

5. Purchase from Their Initiatives

  • Support Their Publications or Crafts: Some friaries produce religious books, artwork, or handmade crafts. Purchasing these items is a great way to provide financial support while benefiting from the spiritual resources they offer.
  • Attend Their Retreats or Workshops: Many Franciscan communities offer retreats, spiritual workshops, or pilgrimages. By participating, you not only enrich your spiritual life but also support the friars’ ministry financially.

6. Encourage Vocations

  • Promote Religious Life: Encourage young people who may feel called to explore a vocation with the Conventual Franciscans. Sharing information about vocations with friends, family, or members of your parish can be an invaluable way to support the growth of the community.
  • Vocation Prayer Groups: Join or start a prayer group focused on praying for an increase in vocations to the Conventual Franciscan Order.

Supporting the Conventual Franciscan Friars helps them continue their mission of spreading the Gospel, serving those in need, and being a presence of peace and hope in the world. Whether through donations, prayer, or your time, every contribution is appreciated and makes a difference.

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