Full History
St. Catherine of Alexandria, Nairobi South C is in the Central Deanery of the Archdiocese of Nairobi. The history of our Parish began many years ago, in 1997, when the then mother parish - Our Lady Queen of Peace in South B, mooted the idea of establishing a prayer Centre in South C to enhance the church mission within the area. The plan was to begin with a youth hall to cater for the needs of the energetic youth of South C. As you can see, we are now re-living that experienced based on the recent initiatives to attract the young people in the Parish that includes sporting activities. To achieve this vision, the fundamental requirement was land and land was never cheap at any time in Nairobi.
One of the parish priests, in South B, the late Father Helmut shared the concept with his mother. The mother offered to finance the cost of the purchase of the piece of land to cater
for the dreams of the faithful. The community of South C will forever be grateful for this gift by this lover of God. The subsequent developments were agreed to be on the basis of a series of “harambees”. The foundation stone of the a youth hall that can alternate as a church building was laid by Rt. Rev. Emeritus Bishop Alfred Rotich, then Auxiliary Bishop of Nairobi on 3rd August
In due course, it was established that parishioners in South C area were enough to make Sunday Masses viable. It was then agreed that the hall project be changed for the time
being to a Church project. Regular Sunday Masses were established and to recognize the generosity of the plot donor in a simple way, the parish requested her to accept the naming of the Church in the honor of her patron saint – St. Catherine of Alexandria.
It was blessed on completion on 6th July 2002 by Rt. Rev. Anthony Ireri Mukobo, then Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Nairobi. In 2003 it was granted Parish status thus
attaining full autonomy from the mother Parish of Our Lady Queen of Peace Parish in South B. The new parish bore the name of Patron saint of its beneficiary, the mother of the priest who contributed money for the purchase of the land on which the church is built – St. Catherine of Alexandria.
The newly established Parish was then entrusted, by the then Archbishop of Nairobi, Most. Rev. Raphael Nding’i Mwana’a Nzeki, to the care of the Conventual Franciscan Friars. At the time they served the Parish from Karen and Limuru. The care of the Parish to the Conventual Franciscan Friars was on the condition that the Conventual Friars shall within one year construct a priests residence from which they were to serve the parishioners. A new project, that of constructing a parish priest house was born in order to fulfil the
Archbishop’s requirement.
Another series of Harambees were organised and in 2006, another keystone achievement shouldered by the faithful, the St. Anthony of Padua Friary was completed and occupied.
The same year on Christmas Eve the new house was blessed by Archbishop Ndingi and canonically erected by Franciscan Major Superior Fr. Tadeusz Brzozowski, the Provincial Custos. Apart from the Friary, the house now plays the role of the headquarters for Province of Conventual Franciscan Friars in Kenya.
With the settling of the Franciscans within the parish, things changed for the better as they were readily available unlike before when they had to shuttle from their Karen residence. In no time, the congregation grew quickly and the Church showed the early signs of congestion
even with the addition of extra masses. Again it became inevitable that a bigger church be built to cater for the increased congregation and to cater for the future growth. A series of Harambees were again organized and committees set up to oversee the new project. Today
we are praying in this wonderful St Catherine of Alexandria Catholic Church which was consecrated on 27th April 2014, by Rt. Rev. David Kamau, Auxillary Bishop of Nairobi. We have had the following as our Shepherds- the Parish Priests
✓ 1997 – 2003 Outstation of South B Parish. The Parish Priests were Fr. George Smith.
✓ 2003 – 2006: Rev. Fr. Dariusz Szymborski.
✓ 2006 – 2008: Rev. Fr. Godfrey Odour Opata.
✓ 2008 – 2012: Rev. Fr. James Kabata.
✓ 2012- 2013: Rev. Fr. Bogslov by Fr. Obed.
✓ 2013 – 2016: Rev. Fr. Obed Karobia assisted by Fr. Hillary.
✓ 2016 – 2018: Rev. Fr. Joseph Kikuyu assisted initially by Fr Elijah then by Fr Kanyiri.
✓ 2018-2023: Rev. Fr. Dr. Francis Kanyiri assisted by Fr Dominic & Fr. Pius
✓ 2023-To date: Rev. Fr. Godfrey Oduor assisted by Fr Joseph Nyaga & Fr. Paul Kiarie.
The Provincial Superior of the Conventual Franciscan Friars Rev. Hillary Raduk is also hosted in the Parish.
Lay Leaders
We would like to acknowledge our previous leaders in the Parish executive who included and are not limited to the following who are still with us;-
Dennis Ndungu; Christine Ndirangu; Christine Agoya; Mwangi Weru; Winnie Kambora; William Bill Omoding; Peter Makhanu; Patricia Maina; Eng. Martin Nzomo; Isabelle Owino;
Richard Ilabo; Jacquelyn Nabwire. Ben Mkalama, Teresa Onyango, Hilary Kibet, Dan Makhanu, Mary Maloba. Wilfred Onderi, Janerose Mugambi, Hilary Kibet, Caroline Munene
and Charles Oyatsi
We continue providing ecumenical service to members of our community. Through
• Individuals Members and their Respective Families
• The Church Community made up of the Small Christian Communities and Ecclesial
And we urge parishioners should strive to actively participate in the numerous Church
Groups depending with their calling.