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Restore the lost childhood of children in need of care, protection and development.


St. Anthony Children’s center is a humanitarian, gender-sensitive and child-focused development center with a vision to restore the lost childhood of children in need of care, protection and development. The center works to ensure that children have a bright future. It is dedicated to changing the lives of needy children. It was founded after it was observed that there was a growing and disturbing phenomenon of children living on the streets of Limuru, who were then been referred to as ‘street children’. The center is a pro-poor and pro-child focused organization that envisions a just and economically empowered society where every person has access to a decent livelihood. Our target groups comprise children and vulnerable youth living and working on the streets and those from marginalized communities. The objectives of the center include:
Change society’s negative perception of children, and Empower vulnerable children/youth through skills development.
The center  directly serves 44 marginalized children and youth addressing multiple issues and initiating programs relating to child protection, vocational and life skills training, empowerment of vocational trainee graduates through Income Generation Programs, promotion of entrepreneurship. For nearly 22 years, St. Anthony Children’s center has been and continues to be involved in meaningful, development-driven initiatives that distinctly impact the quality of life of the weaker-sections of the society in tens of villages surrounding Limuru Township and the outcasts.

Origin & Founder St. Anthony Children’s center was formed in 1997 through the collaborative efforts of the Franciscans and the Daughters of the Sacred Heart having witnessed a lot of children hopeless, helpless and homeless. It aimed at reorganizing and rebuilding the lives of such children. Starting its activities in a tiny one-room structure, St. Anthony Children’s center began to
function on prove. As a center, we envisage a scenario where every child goes to school or receives a decent ‘alternative education’ and has the opportunity to satisfy his / her basic needs for development.
To protect children’s rights, to help them meet their basic needs and to
expand opportunities to achieve their full potential. 

Operational Statements


The center’s mission is to protect children’s rights, to help them meet their basic needs and to expand opportunities to achieve their full potential. Guided by dreams and aspirations of thousands of neglected street and working children, the center pursue its mission with both commitment and Compassion because the children it serves deserve the best.


Vision of the center is to restore the lost childhood of neglected, street and working children and the marginalized. It visualizes a world that protects children’s rights. A world that treats every child equally and lets boys and girls play and learn, and grow to adult hood in health, peace and dignity, a world that involves children and young people in making decisions about their lives and finding ways to make the world as better place for all.

In a process to reach up to the vision, the strategy is that the Orphans/ Vulnerable Children registered in the community have access or entitled to:-

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St. Anthony Children's home

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